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Click here to learn more about estimating collaboration.
Store information
After measurement, the measurement results and product purchase will be handled at the store. Please select a store where you can visit.
Not implemented at unico stock, unico Kagoshima.
※「.@ (@の前にドット)」、「.. (ドット2つ)」を含むメールアドレスはご利用いただけません
Example: Ebisu 4-20-3, XX Mansion, Room 205
Please enter a parking lot that can be used when visiting.
Only extensions pdf|jpg|jpeg|png|gif can be uploaded.
Drawing Window Number Example
Please write the window number on the drawing and attach it.
If unconfirmed, please confirm by the day of measurement.
※Cannot be installed on an Eco-Carat (tile) wall.
Use of 'One Push' for substrate check
※'One Push' is a process that uses a thin needle to check the substrate, so a small hole will be made in the wall.
※If 'One Push' is allowed and the property has not yet been handed over, please be sure to obtain permission from the seller.
※If 'One Push' is not allowed, or if the wallpaper is colored or plastered, be sure to check the location of the substrate with the seller.
If the location cannot be confirmed, installation is not possible.
If it is an open house / confirmation meeting, please enter the date as the first choice of 'Desired Measurement Date'.
Measurement time is from 9:00 AM (start at 9:00) to 6:00 PM (start at 18:00)
The contractor will contact you directly for the date and time later. Please note that we may not be able to meet your request.