You can buy it so great! [Dining set first edition]
| unico Sendai
It is 4 days until the 10 % OFF campaign is held!
Today I would like to introduce how much the dining set will be.
The first dining set is [Adday Dining Table].

The most popular adday series in the dining table
One of the reasons for popularity is the gentle brown color that adds warmth to the whole room.
The chair is combined with other series by two legs
A sense of omission is born and it is a very stylish dining set.

By storing a tissue box and remote control that makes it easy to give a sense of life on the shelf board.
You can use the dining table more widely!
Click here for the price you care about ...! * Product price only
Adday dining table W1500 89,100 yen
ELEMT chair wooden brown 24,200 yen x 2 legs
Kotona chair walnut 22,000 yen
KOTONA high back chair walnut 25,300 yen
Total of the above dining set
Price 184,800 yen ⇒ 10 % OFF 166,320 yen (★18,480 yen discount! )
* Separate shipping and labor will be charged. (Shipping and labor are not eligible for discounts.)
* Rather than 10 % OFF from the total (product price + postage + labor), only the product price is 10 % OFF.
We also accept consultations before the campaign.
Please feel free to contact us.
We look forward to your visit.